
Friday, February 23, 2007

my date with john.

Section One: Observations

I. The Word, which was the light, existed from the beginning and came to dwell among his own people in the land of darkness, and was not recognized (1:1-2, 1:4-5, 1:14)

a. He was not received by his own people (1:10-11)

b. All who come and believe in his name will be saved and identified as God’s children. (1:12-13, 1:29,

c. A spirit descends upon Jesus as a dove when he is baptized while a voice from heaven proclaims the identity of this man to be the son of God.

d. Light came to the world but the world did not recognize the Light, because they loved the darkness (3:19-21)

e. Jesus claims to be the light of the world, and those that follow will have the Light of Life (8:12)

f. Jesus claims to be the light of the world while he is in the world (9:5)

g. Jesus performs the work during the daylight hours, because during the night one may stumble (11:9-11)

h. Jesus states the Light will be with the people a bit longer, and they must walk in the Light so darkness does not overtake them (12:35-37)

II. Different individuals testify, and begin to follow Jesus, as the Messiah the one who will take away the sins of the world and the one whom the prophets proclaimed (1:35-42, 1:43-51)

a. John proclaimed this truth to those in the dessert. (1:15, 1:19, 1:23,

i. John’s assertion that he was sent before Christ, and that he from heaven

ii. Jesus speaks of John’s testimony about himself as a witness to who he is (5:31-35)

b. Jesus referred to as the lamb of God who will take away the sins of the world. (1:29, 1:36)

c. Philip tells Philip this man (Jesus) is the one the prophets wrote about (1:45)

d. Nathaneal states that Jesus is the Son of God and King of Israel before he begins to follow Jesus (1:49)

e. Andrew and Peter hear Jesus’ is the messiah and subsequently decide to follow him. (1:38-42)

i. Peter confesses that Jesus is the source of eternal life, and has come from God.

f. Philip follows Jesus at his invitation, and invites Nathanial to join. (1:43)

g. Jesus states that those who continue to follow his word then they will truly be disciples (8:21)

III. Jesus refers to himself as the ‘Son of Man’ whom the heavenly Father sent to earth, and the Father will show blessing so as to glorify his own name, because authority which belongs to God has been given to the son.

a. The Son of Man has descended from heaven (3:13)

b. God sent his son into the world, not to judge the world, but so those who believe may have eternal life (3:17)

c. Samaritan woman claims that one is coming, the Messiah, who will explain all things and Jesus states that he is that man. (4:25-26)

d. Jesus tells the Jews healing the lame man is the work of his Father

i. The Jews seek to kill Jesus because Jesus calls himself equal with God. (5:18)

e. Jesus states he can do nothing without the power and authority of God the Father (5:19-23)

i. None will come to Believe in Jesus except through the Father (6:65, 37, 44)

f. God the Father gave Jesus authority (5:27, 37-38)

g. Jesus teaches in the synagogues with the authority of the Father for the glory of the Father (7:14-18)

h. As Jesus teaches he exclaims those listening know who he is, and that he did not come on own, but he was sent (7:28)

i. If one knows who Jesus is, they would know the Father as well (8:19)

j. Jesus does nothing on own initiative but speaks the things the Father taught him, and is with him now (8:28-29)

k. Jesus states that he was sent by the Father (8:42-43)

l. Jesus states that he who believes in him ultimately believes in the one who sent him, and knows the one who sent him, and will walk in the light and not darkness (12:44)

m. Jesus did not speak on own initiative but of the Father who sent him (12:50)

n. Those who receive who Jesus sends, receives him. And those who received Jesus receive the one who sent him. (13:20)

o. God will glorify himself as the son is glorified (13:31-33)

p. Jesus states that he who has seen him has seen the Father; Jesus is in the Father and the Father is in him (14:9-11)

q. Jesus states that the Father loves the disciples because they loved Jesus first (16:27)

r. Jesus clarifies that Pilate has no authority over him other than that which has been given to him (19:11)

IV. Eternal life is to be given to those who Believe in the name of Jesus (3:15, 3:16, 3:18)

a. He who believes in the Son has eternal life, and those that do not will face the wrath of God (3:36)

b. Jesus states that one must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven (3:5, 3:3,

c. Jesus states that he who believes in God, who sent him, will not face judgment but have eternal life (5:24-25)

d. Jesus states that one needs to work for food that will not perish and come from the Son of Man (6:26-27, 29-30)

e. Everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life (6:40)

f. He who believes has eternal life; Jesus claims to be the bread of life (6:50)

g. One will die in their sins unless they believe in Jesus (8:24)

h. He who keeps Jesus’ words will not be put to death (8:51)

i. Jesus gives eternal life to those who hear his voice and believe (10:27)

j. Jesus states that he is the resurrection and the life, and he who believes in him will live even if he dies; those who believe in him will never die (11:25-26)

k. Jesus prays that all to whom the Father has given may have eternal life which is knowing God (17:2-3)

l. Jesus prays for those who will come to believe through the testimony of his disciples

i. That those who believe in Jesus may be united so ultimately the Father receives glory (17:20-23)

V. God the Father is the one who draws people to know him (8:43, 47; 17:2)

a. The Father glorifies the son, Jesus (8:54-55)

b. Jesus states that it is not the disciples that choose, but Jesus chose the disciples and appointed them to bear fruit (15:15)

VI. Jesus asserts that his time has not yet come

a. Jesus tells his mother his time has not yet come (2:4)

b. Jesus refuses to go to the feast and he claims it is not yet time. (7:3-6)

c. No one seizes Jesus because his time had not yet come (8:20)

d. Jesus states his time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified after a few greeks express interest in seeing him (12:23)

i. For this hour he has been sent for the Father to glorify his name (12:27)

ii. Jesus tells the disciples that the time has come that they will be scattered to their own home (16:32)

iii. Jesus tells his disciples they will no longer see him for he is going to a place where they cannot follow (16:16)

e. Jesus seeks to be alone (6:15)

i. Jesus goes to feast in secret (7:10)

ii. Jesus hides himself after another declaration of who he is to the Jews (12:36)

iii. Jesus states that it will seem that he is alone, but he is not because the Father is with him (16:32)

VII. Jesus Interacts with the Jews who seek to condemn him and do not believe he is the one spoken of by the prophets

a. Jesus said those without sin should be the first to throw a stone at the adulterous woman

b. Jesus claims that his testimony about himself fits with the law since he and his father testify concerning the same matter (8:14-19)

c. If anyone was to acknowledge Jesus as Christ was to be put out of the synagogue (9:22)

d. Pharisees claim to be true disciples of Moses, but they don’t know from whom Jesus comes (9:29)

e. Jesus tells the Pharisees that if they were blind they would have no sin, but since they claim to see their sin remains (9:41)

VIII. Jesus alludes he will go to a place others will not be able to follow him; that he will die and rise again

a. Jesus states the temple will be destroyed and then rebuilt in three days (2:19)

b. As Moses lifted up the snake in the dessert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up (3:14)

c. Jesus states that he will be around for awhile longer, but then he will go to a place no one can follow or find him (7:33-34)

d. Jesus states that he will go away and they cannot follow him to this place (8:21)

e. Jesus refers to himself as the Good Shepherd, and good shepherds lay down their life for their flock (10:11)

f. Jesus states again that he is going to a place where Peter cannot follow (13:36)

i. Thomas asks how they will know the way if they do not know where he is going and Jesus responds, “I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me.” (14:6-7)

IX. Jesus performs miracles with the strength God the Father provides and for his glory which serve as a testimony to his claims that he is the Son of God. (5:36)

i. Many Believe and do not think another man could perform the number of miracles Jesus had (7:31)

ii. Jesus states the works done in his Father’s name testify as to who he is. (10:24)

iii. The works performed by Jesus are done so that people may know and understand that he is from the Father. (10:38)

iv. Even though many miracles performed people still not believe (12:37)

v. Jesus performed many signs so that those who read may believe in his name and thus have life (20:31)

b. At a wedding he changes water to wine (1:1-12)

i. Jesus claims that he is living water and he is he source of life (4:14)

ii. The Samaritan woman calls others to come and see this man who claims he is the Messiah because of what He has told her (4:28, 40-42)

iii. The disciples believe because of the power shown by his miracles (1:11)

iv. Many others believe in Jesus because of the signs he shows them (2:23)

v. Nicodemus believes Jesus is sent from God because of the signs he has shown (3:2)

vi. Jesus states that people must see miracles before they will believe him (4:48)

vii. Jesus states that if anyone is thirsty they should come to him and drink, and whoever believes in him living waters will flow (7:37-38)

c. Heals an officials son (4:46-54)

i. The official and all his household believed Jesus was who he claimed (4:53)

d. On the Sabbath Jesus heals a man born lame (5:1-17)

e. Jesus feeds 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish (6:1-14)

i. As a result, many that were fed proclaimed the Jesus was the prophet to come to the world (6:14)

ii. Jesus states he is the bread of life (6:27)

f. Walks upon the water and calms a storm (6:15-21)

g. Heals a blind man (9:1-41)

i. Jesus claims to be the light of the world, and then causes the blind man to see (9:1-41)

ii. People accuse Jesus of being a demon, but people assert that demons can’t heal a blind person (10:21)

h. Raises Lazarus from the dead (11:17-45)

i. Jesus glad Lazarus died so that he could perform a miracle and his disciples would believe (11:14-15)

ii. Jesus claims to be the resurrection and the life and whoever believes in him will be saved (11:25)

iii. Martha states that she believes that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God (11:27)

iv. Pharisees want to kill Lazarus because many are believe Jesus’ words because he was raised from the dead (12:10-11)

v. Many of the Jews who came to console Mary believed (11:45)

vi. Many of those who believed after Lazarus’ resurrection were present at the triumphant entry (12:17)

i. Disciples catch enormous amount of fish at the direction of Jesus during his third appearance to the disciples (21:6)

X. Jesus statements of “I AM”

a. Bread of life (6:35, 41, 48,51)

i. One can eat of the bread from heaven and not die (6:50)

ii. He who eats the bread will have eternal life (6:54)

b. Light of the World (8:12)

c. Jesus states, “Before Abraham was born, I am.” (8:58)

d. Door of the sheep (10:7, 9)

i. Anyone who comes through Jesus will be saved (10:9)

ii. He came that they may have life and live it abundantly (10:10)

e. Good Shepherd (10:11, 14)

i. A good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep (10:11)

f. Resurrection and the life 11:25)

i. Jesus claims to be the resurrection and the life prior to raising Lazurus from the dead (11:25)

ii. Jesus thanks the Father for hearing him so those around him would know the power came from the Father (11:42)

g. The Way, the Truth and the Life (14:6)

h. The True Vine (15:1, 5)

XI. Jesus fulfills Scripture to serve as a testimony that he is who he claims to be

a. “Zeal for your house will consume me” (2:17) as quoted from Ps. 69:9

b. “I am a voice of one crying in the wilderness, “Make straight the way of the Lord” (1:23) as quoted from Isaiah 40:3

c. Philip Jesus is the one of whom the book of the Law and the prophets speak about (1:45)

d. Jesus states that if they simply believed the words of Moses they would believe who he claims to be (5:39-46)

e. Jesus quotes Is. 54:13, “And they shall be taught of God” to emphasize that those who believe are drawn by the father

f. Jesus quotes Psalm 82:6 asserting that God has allowed for others to refer to themselves as gods, so the Jews objection of blasphemy is weak (10:34-36)

g. People shout praise taken from Psalm 118:26, “Hosanna Blessed is He who Comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel.” (12:13)

h. Jesus sits upon the donkey and thus fulfills Zec 9:9 which he quotes (12:15)

i. Words of Isaiah fulfilled when people still did not believe he was the Messiah after miracles were performed. (Is 53:1, 6:10)

j. Jesus refers to Psalm 41:9 as being fulfilled by the one who will betray him (13:18)

k. Jesus quotes Ps 35;19; 69:which fulfills the prophecy that people will hate the promised king (15:25)

l. Jesus stated that he would die, but Jewish law would not allow and therefore is brought before Pilate. (18:32)

m. Jesus clothes are divided amongst the soliders so to fulfill the scripture of Ps 22:18. (19:24)

n. Jesus legs are left unbroken to fulfill the scripture Ex 12:46, or Nu 9:12. (19:36-37)

XII. Jesus shifts from public ministry to focus upon those whom the Father has given him and profess and believe in his name.

a. Jesus washes the disciples feet (13:1-20)

b. Jesus gives a new command for people to love one another as he has loved them to serve as a testimony to others of Jesus’ identity (13:34-35)

i. Jesus states that if the disciples love him then they will keep his commandments (14:15, 21, 25

ii. Jesus states he is going to prepare a place for them and come back again to receive them (14:3)

c. Jesus promises a spirit to come and help (14:16-17; 15:26, 26-27; 16:7-11, 13)

i. If the disciples ask the Father for anything in Jesus’ name they will get it (16:24,

ii. Jesus gives them the Holy Spirit (20:22)

d. Disciples of Jesus should abide in his love (15:1-11)

e. Jesus tells Peter he will deny him three times

i. Peter follows Jesus but denies that he is a disciple to the slave girl

ii. Peter denies he was with Jesus to those around the fire

iii. Peter denies he was a disciple to the relatative of Malchus.

f. Those that do not believe in Jesus do not know the Father and will make the disciples outcasts of the synagogue (15:8, 23, 16:3)

g. Jesus asks Peter if he loves him three times and tells him to watch his sheep (21:15-19)

XIII. Jesus is arrested and sentenced to death, but then rises from the dead

a. Jesus states what has been taught has been public and to ask those who have heard him to testify (18:20)

b. Jesus is given a crown of thorns and a purple robe and called, ‘King of the Jews.” (19:2-3)

i. The inscription above the cross states: “Jesus the Nazarene, The King of the Jews (19:19)

ii. Jesus is killed and placed in a tomb which Mary discovers empty (19:38-20:10)

Section Two: Structural Outline

I. In the beginning the Son of God was present with God the Father, who sent his son with authority into the darkened world to be a source of light to those who would receive and believe in Him. (1:1-18)

a. John the Baptist is sent to testify to the Light; the coming of the messiah promised by the prophets (1:6-8)

b. The Word, Son of God, became flesh and dwelt amongst his people who did not receive Him, but to those who received Him he gave eternal life (1:9-18)

II. Jesus is presented as the Son of God and performs miracles as evidence he comes from God the Father with authority. (1:19-4:54)

a. John the Baptist testifies that the Christ is coming (1:19-34)

i. John testifies to the priests and Levities of Jerusalem he is not the Christ, but one will come after him who is greater (1:19-28)

ii. John testifies that Jesus is the Son of God after he witnesses the Spirit of God descend upon Jesus as a dove (1:29-34)

b. Jesus gathers others around him who desire to follow and learn from the man who is said to be the Son of God (1:35-51)

i. Andrew and Simon (renamed Peter by Jesus), two of John’s disciples, follow Jesus after John calls him the Lamb of God. (1:35-42)

ii. Philip and Nathanael follow Jesus as they believed he was the man spoken of in the Law and prophets. (1:43-51)

c. In Galilee, Jesus changes water to wine marking the beginning of public ministry and causes the disciples to believe that he is the Son of God. (2:1-12)

d. Jesus travels to Judea and continues his public ministry teaching that anyone who believes in the son will have eternal life (2:13-3:36)

i. Jesus drove the money changers from the temple saying his Father’s place should not be one of business, and that if the temple is destroyed he will rebuild it in three days (2:13-25)

ii. Jesus speaks to a Pharisee, Nicodemus, telling him that whoever believes in him will have eternal life (3:1-21)

iii. John the Baptist testifies again that he is not the Christ, but the one sent from heaven speaks the words of God; that he who believes in the Son has eternal life (3:22-36)

e. Jesus travels to Samaria to present himself as the Son of God, the promised Messiah, and any who believe in him will have eternal life . (4:1-26).

i. Jesus speaks to the women at a well revealing truth about her life, telling her about living water, and that he is the Messiah (4:1-29)

ii. Jesus tells his disciples his will is to do what the Father sent him to do (4:31-38)

iii. Many Samaritans within the city believe Jesus is the Messiah on account of the woman’s testimony (4:39-42)

f. Jesus travels to Galilee and heals a royal official’s son which prompts the entire royal family to believe in Jesus (4:43-54)

III. Jesus continues to perform miracles, pointing to his Father as the authority, and which testify that he is who he claims to be; ultimately Jesus faces opposition from religious teachers (5:1-12:50)

a. On the Sabbath, in Jerusalem, Jesus heals a lame man which angers the Jews because Jesus makes himself equal with God by stating that whatever the Son does is received through authority from the Father, and anyone who believes in Him (Jesus, the son) will not face judgment but have eternal life. (5:1-47)

b. In Galilee, Jesus feeds 5,000 who have gathered to hear his teachings and many believe that he is the Prophet who was to come into the world (6:1-59)

i. After feeding 5,000, Jesus walks upon the water across the stormy seas of Galilee and meets the disciples in the boat (6:15-21)

ii. The next morning Jesus tells the crowd, “I am the bread of life” that has come from heaven as the manna in the wilderness, and he has come to do the will of his father in heaven and those that believe in him, and eat his flesh and drinks his blood, will have eternal life. (6:22-71)

1. Because of the difficult teachings, many reject his teachings and Jesus explains that none will come to believe him unless through will of the Father (6:60-65)

2. Peter states that there is no one else to go to because Jesus has the words of eternal life and confesses that Jesus is the Holy One of God (6:66-71)

c. Jesus goes in secret to the Feast of Booths and many discuss in secret the identity of Jesus because a fear of the religious leaders was prevalent (7:1-

i. During the feast Jesus goes to the temple and teaches publicly with the authority of the one who sent him and the crowds believed him by the many signs which he had performed (7:1-31)

ii. Jesus says he will go to a place where no one can find or follow him, but if anyone is thirsty they should come to him and he will refresh them with living water (7:32-39)

iii. The Jews remain divided concerning the identity of Jesus as some believe his words and others do not (7:40-53)

d. Jesus refuses to condemned a woman caught in adultery and accused by leaders of the law (8:1-11)

e. Jesus continues to teach publicly and refers to himself as the Light of the World and sparks many discussion amongst religious leaders as they attempt to understand his teachings that he comes from God the Father and the offer of eternal life (8:12-59)

f. On the Sabbath Jesus heals a man born blind, who in turn believes that Jesus is the promise Messiah from God, while the religious officials still remain confused (9:1-41)

g. Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd and those of his flock know his voice, that a Good Shepherd lays his life down for his sheep, and that any who come to him will be saved, teachings which cause some Jews to assert Jesus is possessed by a demon but a different faction point to the healing of the blind man as evidenced he is not from Satan (10:1-21)

h. During the Feast of Dedication Jesus continues to teach in the temple and causes division amongst the Jews again, but many continue to believe his words as they reflect upon the different signs performed by Jesus (10:22-42)

i. In Bethany, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead and states that he is the resurrection and the life and he who comes to him will never die (11:1-44)

i. Many of the Jews believed in Jesus because of the witness to Lazarus’ resurrection, but the chief priests and Pharisees plot his death (11:45-53)

ii. Jesus ceased his focus upon public ministry and goes into the wilderness with the disciples (11:54-57)

iii. Mary anoints Jesus feet with expensive perfume (12:1-11)

iv. Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey while the many who believed Jesus at the resurrection of Lazarus shout, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord, even the King of Israel” (12:12-19)

j. Jesus predicts his death and states again his authority in actions and words have come from his Father and that he has come to save the world. (12:20-50)

IV. Jesus focuses upon teaching and preparing the disciples for future ministry after he has left them in the body but given them the Holy Spirit (13:1-17:26)

a. Jesus focuses his instruction upon the disciples (13:1-16:33)

i. In the upper room Jesus focuses upon the twelve disciples (13:1-14:31)

1. Jesus washes the disciples feet to emphasize the importance of being a servant to others and that no one is greater than another (13:1-17)

2. Jesus predicts his betrayal by Judas (13:21-32)

3. Jesus commands the disciples to love one another (13:33-34)

4. Jesus predicts Peter’s denial (13:36-38)

5. Jesus comforts the disciples reminding them the son will return, and that he is the way to the Father, and he promises to send a spirit to teach and help them (14-1-31)

6. Jesus gives final instructions including how He is the vine and those who believe in him are the branches and that we must remain in him to bear fruit; to expect the world to hate them because the world hated him but to love one another as he loved them; Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to come and clarify that which is unclear (15:1-16-16)

b. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus prays for the disciples (17:1-26)

i. Jesus prays, now that the hour has come, that the Father would glorify the son for the glory of the Father (17:1-5)

ii. Jesus prays specifically for the disciples, whom the Father has given him, that they would be united, safe from the evil one, and sanctified in truth (17:6-19)

iii. Jesus prays that all Believers would be unified so that the world may know that the Father sent the Son, and that the love of the Father may be within the Believer (17:20-26)

V. The Son of God is arrested and suffers at the hand of religious leaders and is crucified (18:1-20:31)

a. Jesus is betrayed by Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane and arrested by officials (18:1-11)

i. Jesus brought before different councils (18:12-19:16)

1. Jesus is brought before Annas (18:12-14)

2. Peter denies Jesus to a slave (18:15-18)

3. Jesus is questioned by Annas concerning his teachings (18:19-24)

4. Peter denies Jesus the second and third time before the rooster crows (18:25-27)

5. Jesus brought before Pilate who finds no guilt in Jesus, but the crowd cries for the release of Barabbas and the crucifixion of Jesus to which Pilate relents (18:28-19:16)

ii. Jesus is crucified without any bones being broken, his clothes are divided amongst the soldiers, and his body is placed in a tomb (19:17-42)

1. Jesus declares his thirst, and then utters, “It is finished,” from the cross (19:28-30)

2. No bones on his body were broken, thus fulfilling scripture which refers to scripture concerning Passover lambs whose bones were not to be broken and thus reiterates John’s statement: “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” (19:31-37)

3. The body of Jesus is given to Joseph of Arimathea and placed in a tomb (19:37-42)

VI. Jesus is resurrected and appears to the disciples at various points (20:1-31)

a. Mary finds the tomb empty and tells the disciples who remain confused at this event (20:1-9)

b. Jesus appears to Mary, the disciples, and Thomas at various points (20:10-29)

c. All the events of this book are recorded to offer evidence so one may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing life may be given (20:30-31)

VII. Jesus appears one last time to the disciples at the sea of Galilee and orchestrates the miraculous catch of fish, commissions Peter and predicts his death (21:15-23)

VIII. Conclusion of the book of John stating the one who wrote the book testifies to the truth contained within and Jesus performed numerous miracles not recorded within the book (21:24-25)

Section Three: One Sentence Summary of Book

The book of John is a record of the miraculous events, and teachings, which surround the life of Jesus so that one may have evidence to believe, and strength to continue to believe, that Jesus is the Christ, sent by the authority of God the Father, and that one may have eternal life because of their belief.


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