
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

why doesn't God answer our prayers?

1. Maybe a broken relationship?

-before you go and ask God for something...make sure you are treating God's children as he wants you too. you can't say you love God...if you don't love each other. are we loving Him by loving his children? (mt 5...if someone has something against you...STOP...leave gift and go and make that relationship right THEN come back and worship God).
Why fathers so demanding? Not going to give what want until love each other. relationships matter to God! (example of kids fighting in car...not going to park until treat each other respect).

??anyone need to go to and ask forgiveness??

2. Maybe you don't believe that God will answer prayer.

Mark 9. There was a father whose son was possessed w/ a spirit. This dad did everything possible....even to the disciples. But the disciples couldn't. HE said to Jesus..."BUT IF you can do anything, take pity on us." Jesus responds: "EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE FOR HIM WHO BELIEVES."

Big difference b/t knowing that God CAN do something...and that he WILL.

maybe we don't really believe!
do we really believe in prayer?

IF WE DID.... we would spend more time doing it! and it would be a priority and a passion. and we would be believing God for things we read about in God's word and we would be seeing these things! but we don't. God responds to our faith!

"According to your faith it will be done." Mt 9:29.

3. AS much as we want what we want...(and believe it's best)...but maybe God has something BETTER.

"This is the confidence that we have in approaching God; that if we ask anything ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us-whatever we ask- we know that we have what we have asked for him."


example: buildings...why build buildings? why not use schools? why not theaters? what is a churcH? (spun him into thinking about what a building is and a church, etc).




knew you before you were born.
exists outside of time
alpha and omega.
knows end before beginning starts.

when you know this don't just believe that he CAN...or that he WILL.
but you believe that even if he DOESN" STILL BELIEVE.

He is working everything for his purpose. but you still believe in him!!

IF GOD ANSWERS ONE PRAYER....what would it be? What is the big thing?


Saturday, July 22, 2006

Tuckness. 2 Samuel 7.

Do we really want God to show us himself?
What if we really saw and knew God?

To really meet God in his holiness would be an overwhelming thing. To know the depths of God's anger towards sin would be incredible. Could we handle this? Is there something less scary??

David was a man after God's own heart...but that doesn't mean he fully understood God.

God has been so generous to David. David knew it. David didn't say, 'I made alot of good decisions to get here...good thing I practiced my shots w/ my sling.' He constantly attributes this to God. David already knew that God had been generous to him. Can you say truthfully, "God has been generous to me?"

But if we could see the world rightly...we can see that EVERYONE can say, "God has been generous to me."

The sun was created to give glory to God....and he was generousw to share it w/ us. He sent us the rain on both the just and the unjust. What did we do to merit the sun come up this morning? Rmns 2....God out of his kindness, tolerance and patience, has been waiting to give him more time to repent so they can avoid the wrath of God. his patience...has been generous to give more and more time to reprent. God has been generous. The question is: "are you going to acknowledge that generosity?" The natural outflow is to be generous back to God. So David builds a temple to glory and honor can be given to God. This was an overflow of his heart.

3 c's of Cornerstone: Celebrate. Connect. Contribute.
all three are what God is calling each one of us too. Time. Talent. Money.
Ps. 62...those riches increase...dont' set heart upon them.
David is determined to give back to God rather then let them take hold of his heart.

Has God's generosity caused you to live a life that is generous back to him?

As David was trying to figure out how to express geneoristy to God - he turned back to his word for guidence.

When David was a sheperd boy he sat around and praised God. He LOVED the word of God.
Having good intentions towards God is NOT need to look into God's word.

(King needed to write out the book of duetermony in own hand and know it by heart.)

Why do you want to study the word? Spiritual Pride? Authentically desiring to change? Check off the spiritual duty for the day? or do you open the word...seeing that God has been so generous and desiring God to show how to live in response to God's genorisity. He desires to live life in reponse to God's generosity.

David only understands a fraction of how generous God has been.

Why does God say 'no' to the building of a temple? David sees that he has been given rest to his enemies. David knows that he is ready to be generous...but God sees that there are a lot of wars left. And...sometimes we are ready to be generous to God and road blocks are put in the way. why? But, God says, 'no...not now.' Our time is not always God's time. Our ways are not God's. but...when we accept God's answer of 'no' we are putting ourselves in a humble position before God. (how sweet...ACCEPT answer of no. don't fight it.).

God is very gracious to accept his gifts. they are in his discretion to accept. are you willing to say, 'you o lord are wise. i wait for your timing and i submit myself to you.'

but the humbling of David is not over. God reminds David that it is HE that gave victory, etc. Everything David has he owes to God. God reminds that he is going to make David's name great and give rest to his enemies. Reminds David the rest isn't there yet. This is enough for David to have great reason to see and know that God has been VERY generous to him. But...God is not done. throne promised to be established forever. God says that he is going to build a house for David...(a dynasty). (David wanted to build a temple for God).

Kingdoms come and go...but David is given this incredible promise. Did David understand the magnitude of this promise? When Jesus walked this earth he reminded the disciples that his body was the temple. The temple Solomon built was an arrow pointing to Jesus. His body is the true temple. He is the true son of David that will reign forever and ever. this chapter is the climax of the entire old testmant! David is seated on the throne and given the promise of something that will last forever which is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

This is an astounding promise.

God revealed a bit more of himself to David and he was overwhelmed. He didn't understand God's genroirsity as well as he thought. We can respond in different ways to God's generosity.

why do we as americans insist that we exchange equal gifts? WHY? b/c in every culture we use the giving of gifts where we fit on the social heiricy. we as americans like to be equal. so...if we get something less then what we give we feel slighted. and if they are extra generous.... then we feel uncomfortable. we like equal footing.

this is a problem when it's time to interact w/ God. when Jesus came to earth he became a man and a friend. but, he NEVER became our equal. The magintude of his generoisty is nothing to what we could pay back. so we could be angry and hurt... when are generoisty is put next to God's...we can be offended or respond as David.

"Who am I or soverign lord that you have brought me this far. you have also spoken about the future of of the servant. is this your usual way to deal w/ your people? how great you are oh soverign lord. there is no God but you... who is like you? what you say you your name will be made great and people will know you."

David's first response: "Who am i that you would be generous like this to me?"
--parents love to know that their children will do things for God and his kingdom. HOW SWEET!

Who are we as your people God...that you would bless us like this? David's overwhelming response is to worship the Lord is, "there is no one like you..." all praise and glory be to you"

oxymoron: Humble Boldness.
David pulls it off. He is utterly humbled by the grace of God. The promise that God has given him. But he doesn't respond passively. He asks God to do what he says.

Jesus will build his house. We have been promised that he will build his house. We can be like David, "Do as you have said Jesus...come now Lord Jesus."

Does it drive us into his word so we know how to respond to his generosity. The more we respond to God...the more and more space is opened up for us to understand the boudlessness of God's generoisty.
Pray boldly that God would do as he promised.

Who are we that God would show us favor.
You are worthy to be praised at all times.
You have given us a King eternal who will rule forever.
May I cling to your promises...and believe what you say will be true.
We declare how GOOD You have been to us! have promised to build your house...not a physical house but the lives of your saints. DO IT LORD. your word gives us confdience to pray boldly. God let us come before you in humble boldness before your throne.